Search results for query: TheBigAmbulance (1 - 25 of 378)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Might be going to Dubai. State of the world these days, should I be worried?

Anyone ever been to Dubai? Just wondering if I should be scared sh*tless! My company might be sending me there for a week.
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 09/02/14 10:41 PM
. Re: Hats off to Robin Williams

The first time I heard his stand up at The Met I damn near pissed myself laughing so hard. He was so funny, but also seemed like a tortured soul. RI ...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 08/12/14 02:19 AM
. whoa.... beer is expensive!

Going to a local music festival. They let you camp, have your beer in the campground, but will NOT let you bring it in the concert area. Meanwhile t ...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 08/07/14 11:59 PM
. Khan!

The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 07/24/14 04:28 PM
. Re: Best stoner comedy?

How far back do you want to go? Cheech and Chong before they got too stupid (Cheech & Chong's The Corsican Brothers)
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 07/17/14 04:24 PM
. Oh Gross!

Looked up what it is LOL
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 07/03/14 08:20 PM
. Re: I just found out what an 'Angry Dragon' means...

Well, this whole thing got the IT coffee table going. There was a guy that said it was about punching her in the stomach. That's one flexible SOM-BI ...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 07/02/14 11:50 PM
. I just found out what an 'Angry Dragon' means...

Man, putting in a new content filtering and alert system at work. They have predefined words in a list. "Angry Dragon" was one of them, wh ...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 07/02/14 10:00 PM
. No, not Cliffjumper!

The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 06/17/14 07:52 PM
. Don't bury him in a sweater. It's hot where that F***ER is going!!

This is one person who does NOT know the meaning of 'I don't like your lifestyle. But it is not for me to judge'. My sister is part of The Patriot G ...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 03/21/14 04:42 PM
. Hope he got some good ones quickly....
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 03/07/14 03:19 AM
. Ha! Andrew is famous on this board! Sorry for the repost

The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 03/06/14 11:53 PM
. Did I hear right that Andrew is moving to Massachusetts?

When I read this, you are the first person I thought of... Per CNN's website" Massachusetts court says 'upskirt' photos are legal http://www. ...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 03/06/14 10:21 PM
. 14 above... phhhhh

It's supposed to be -75 wind chill this weekend. I think the beach party is off...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 01/03/14 09:33 PM
. Maybe they could make a new one with leftover O-Rings from the space shuttle solid rocket?

The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 01/03/14 04:09 AM
. Where's my old Atari 2600?

Knew a gal in elementary school that had a couple of seizures because she played the Atari 2600 too much. Ahh.... those were the days!
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 12/20/13 05:51 PM
. Speaking of our generation's toys

Does anyone remember a little black robot that would roll along the floor. It would go forward unless you pressed a button. Then it would back up, t ...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 12/13/13 01:50 AM
. Re: So my little four year old drops the "F" bomb this morning...

I have informed Child Protective Services. They can backbill...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 11/23/13 01:50 AM
. Re: So my little four year old drops the "F" bomb this morning...

My story is similar, except it was "Come here you little bastard!"
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 11/22/13 10:20 PM
. Re: God I miss Buddy Hacket...

For Cool! His 1983 and 1985 shows are on there. Plus his Johnny Carson visits. Seems like he used to visit when Johnny guests didn't show up or som ...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 11/13/13 03:45 AM
. God I miss Buddy Hacket...

A woman goes to the dentist and says "Doc, this tooth is killing me" to which he replies "Well, I can remove it. But it's going to be ...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 11/12/13 05:10 AM
. ...And that would be 1 point for Gatinho

Love that answer
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 11/06/13 03:45 AM
. Anyone use cloud storage?

I'm looking for something with a directory structure able to backup NAS drive folders. There is a TON of them out there, and most of them don't suppo ...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 11/01/13 09:12 PM
. Re: Any German currency experts in here?

Yeah, no doubt. Never let it leave your site.
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 10/31/13 06:31 PM
. Any German currency experts in here?

My uncle was in world war 2. My mom inherited some old currency after his death about 4 years ago. I've finally started going through it. There are ...
The Loony Bin TheBigAmbulance 10/31/13 03:31 AM

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