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Ramtek's Trivia promoter
Reged: 09/21/03
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great idea....verbally threaten and attack a long standing USA based company
06/26/18 07:51 PM

*sarcasm for stupidity on USA criminal administration*

Not only after attacking a family owned restaurant in suburb part of VA (the Red Hen) and claiming restaurant has filthy conditions (restaurant never had any inspection violations) when own eateries at his crappy hotels (own hotel indoor dining establishments) which have had been cited for multiple numerous health code violations in the past, and now the sob is going after Harley-Davidson. Tremendous job sob-in-office. After the tariffs went into effect, it made the decision of the executives of the company that much easier.

Expect the future consumer market for Harley-Davidson will eventually no longer be US citizens and easy to understand why that will be the case. Some posts in the DU thread provide some insights of why the US market will no longer be there.


Trump warns Harley-Davidson of 'big tax' for shifting some production abroad

So if you're Harely-Davidson, then damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Stay here and go out of business with the tariffs and dwindling sales (make that diminished, disastrous sales).

Go abroad and Trump will tax you.

You're fucked either way.

I don't think that HD ever indicated shifting overseas to SELL back to the US consumer. They are a pretty proud company that would get killed for that.

They have however seen that the American market is pretty limited (competition, cost, and long-lasting quality bikes). It makes sense to expand into foreign markets where they could build AND sell.

This guy is an idiot who has no instinct other than what happened in the last 24 hrs or what will happen in the next 6 hours.

Just another example of someone who is seriously underqualified to manage business much less a branch of the federal government. Thanks republican party and your low info strategy!

I believe that is what they are doing. They already have plants overseas/international for sales overseas (i.e., "local" markets). They are not going to screw themselves by making there to sell back here.

And to add to the tweets could be considered a threat to the company. Another criminal charge if Harley-Davidson corporate lawyers will point out the tweet and demand law enforcement to step in. Or better yet the company execs inform GOP party "No more political campaign contributions for any of you unless you do something about this."


The Twit tweets: A Harley-Davidson should never be built in another country-never!


A Missouri based construction supply company soon to go under. A learning lesson for: "too much winning!"

Goodbye...Mid-Continent Nail [America’s largest nail manufacturer and 2016 elections hardcore supporters of the sob-in-office]. I used to purchase some of their products over the years......but they might soon go extinct. Nice knowing you.....another useless 'thought and prayer' for you.


The first layoffs from Trump's tariffs are here

The Washington Post

The first casualties of President Trump’s trade war are 60 workers at Mid-Continent Nail, America’s largest nail manufacturer. They lost their jobs on June 15 at a factory in a part of Missouri that voted overwhelmingly for Trump. The whole company could be out of business by Labor Day.

This is a potential game changer in Trump’s trade strategy, especially if it marks the start of more companies announcing layoffs. On Monday, Harley-Davidson said it will be moving some “production” offshore because of the trade war (Europe hit Harley with a 31 percent tariff in response to Trump’s steel tariffs on Europe). Harley won’t confirm whether jobs are leaving the United States, but the union representing many Harley workers, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, is worried.

The Trump administration has argued that these tariffs will save jobs and that the cost to America will be minor. But now there are real job losses. Now there is a human face to the pain that so many trade experts have been warning about.

(full article at link)

And another "too much winning!" example.

The GOP tax scam also hits nonprofits and some of the church exempt status. Congrats to all the deluded suckers that voted for this POS in 2016.


Before midterms--good! AND churches' tax-exempt status

is being threatened as some employee fringe benefits are no longer tax-exempt. Over 600 churches have already demanded this provision be repealed, up in arms at this crack in their sacred tax-exempt status, many more to come no doubt. I'm smiling, but this provision is just one of dozens mean to shift our nation's tax burden from the wealthy to workers, but it won't be felt this year.


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* great idea....verbally threaten and attack a long standing USA based company gregf 06/26/18 07:51 PM

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