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MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat pt 3
04/03/16 01:39 PM


EA Car Computer

Described in Electronics Australia magazine during 1982.
Construction and usage:

The only RAM is the 128 bytes that comes inside the CPU.

This computer is mounted in a car, and various sensors (fuel flow, etc)
are connected up. By pressing the appropriate buttons various statistics
may be obtained.

Memory Map
0000-007F internal ram
4000-7FFF ROM
8000-BFFF 6821
C000-FFFF ROM (mirror)

Setting up: You need to enter the number of expected pulses from the fuel
and distance sensors. Paste this: 5 6M123N 7M400N (start, set litres cal to
123 pulses. set km cal to 400 pulses). Then paste this: 1950M0N 1845M0N (set
petrol tank capacity to 50 litres, set current amount of petrol to 45).
Now enter: 28M100N (the journey is 100km). Press 5 to start the journey.
All settings are saved in nvram.

Stats you can see while travelling:
0 - time elapsed
08 - time remaining
1 - fuel used
18 - fuel left
2 - km travelled
28 - km remaining
29 - km that could be travelled with the fuel you have left
3 - speed now
39 - average speed
4 - fuel consumption now (litres per 100km)
49 - fuel average consumption


Elektor SC/MP

To Use:
- Press MINUS to enter data input mode
- Press UP or DOWN to cycle through addresses

At the moment Paste cannot be tested, but if it worked, you could
paste this in: -0F0011^22^33^44^55^66^77^88^99^

It seems the only way to exit each mode is to do a Soft Reset.


Explorer 85

Setting Up
The terminal must be set for
- Baud: 9600
- Format: 7E1
If it isn't, adjust the settings, then restart the system.

Once started, press Space. The system will start up.
All input must be in upper case.


Goldstar FC-100 (FC stands for Famicom)

No manuals or schematics available.
Shift-Run to BREAK out of CLOAD.
Cassette uses the uart.
There is an inbuilt Monitor. MON to enter. Commands are D,G,M,R,S,X.

Test of semigraphic 6
20 FOR I=0 TO 360
30 PSET(128+SIN(I)*90,91-COS(I)*90), 1



Heathkit H8

This system uses Octal rather than the usual hexadecimal.

It runs, keyboard works, you can enter data.

Meaning of LEDs:
PWR = power is turned on
MON = controls should work
RUN = CPU is running (not halted)
ION = Interrupts are enabled

0-F : as is
+ : ^
- : V
MEM : -

Addresses must have all 6 digits entered.
Data must have all 3 digits entered.
System has a short beep for each key, and a slightly longer beep
for each group of 3 digits. The largest number allowed is 377 (=0xFF).

Test Paste:
-041000=123 245 333 144 255 366 077=-041000
Now press up-arrow to confirm the data has been entered.

Official test program from pages 4 to 8 of the operator's manual:
-040100=076 002 062 010 040 006 004 041 170 040 021 013 040 016 011 176
022 043 023 015 302 117 040 016 003 076 377 315 053 000 015 302
131 040 005 302 112 040 076 062 315 140 002 076 062 315 053 000
076 062 315 140 002 303 105 040 377 262 270 272 275 377 222 200
377 237 244 377 272 230 377 220 326 302 377 275 272 271 271 373
271 240 377 236 376 362 236 376 362 236 376 362 R6=040100=4


Heathkit H89

Monitor Commands:
B Boot
C Convert (number)
G Go (address)
I In (address)
O Out (address,data)
R Radix (H/O)
S Substitute (address)
T Test Memory
V View


Homebrew Z80 Computer by Kun-Szabo Marton

All commands must be entered in uppercase, and since the capslock
doesn't work, you need to hold the shift key down.

There is next to no error checking, for example the T command
is to set the time. Entering T by itself will set the time to
99:99:99, while G will cause a jump to 9999 and so forth. Also
the parameter must be right next to the command, spaces will cause
invalid input. Example M1234 will display a byte of memory at 1234,
while M 1234 will display memory at 9123.


Imsai MPU-B. One of the earliest single-board computers on a S100 card.

Press any key to start the monitor program.


Signetics Intructor 50

Quick usage:
- Look at memory: Press minus key. Enter an address. Press UP key to see the next.
- Look at registers: Press R. Press 0. Press UP key to see the next.
- Set PC register: Press R. Press C. Type in new address, Press UP.
- Load a tape: Press L, enter file number (1 digit), press UP. On
completion of a successful load, HELLO will be displayed.



Monitor Commands:
C Call (address)
D Dump memory, any key to dump more, Return to finish
F Fill memory (start, end, withwhat)
G Goto (address)
L Cassette load
M Move (source start, source end, destination)
R Run
S Edit memory
W Cassette save (start, end, goto (0 for null))
X Display/Edit registers


Jade JGZ80 Single board computer on a S100 card.

It takes about 8 seconds to start up.
Type HE to get a list of commands.


Elektor Junior

This is heavily based on the KIM-1, the keycodes and operation being identical.

0-F : as is
+ (inc) : ^
AD : -
DA : =
GO : X

(note: DA only works when addressing RAM)

Test Paste:
Now press up-arrow to confirm the data has been entered.


Robotron K8915

When it says DIAGNOSTIC RAZ P, press enter.



0-F : as is
+ (inc) : ^
AD : -
DA : =
GO : X

(note: DA only works when addressing RAM)

Test Paste:
Now press up-arrow to confirm the data has been entered.



When first started, the screen is blank. Wait about 8 seconds for
it to introduce itself, then you may use it or paste to it.
The decimal points indicate which side of the display you will
be updating.

0-F : as is
+ (inc) : ^
- (dec) : V
ADR : -
DAT : =
GO : X

Test Paste: (lc80_2 only)
Now press up-arrow to confirm the data has been entered.


Cromemco MCB-216 SCC (Single Card Computer), and the CB-308.

Memory allocation
- 0000 to 0FFF - standard roms
- 1000 to 1FFF - optional roms or ram (expect roms)
- 2000 to 23FF - standard ram
- 2400 to FFFF - optional whatever the user wants (expect ram)

Press Enter twice. You will see the Basic OK prompt. To get into the
monitor, use the QUIT command, and to return use the B command.

The mcb216 can use an optional floppy-disk-drive unit. The only other
storage is paper-tape, which is expected to be attached to the terminal.

Press Enter twice. You will see the Monitor logo. To get into the BASIC,
enter GE400. To return to the monitor, use the QUIT command followed by
pressing Enter twice. All monitor commands must be in uppercase. The
only storage is paper-tape.



Some Monitor commands (varies between versions):

B - boot a floppy (^N to regain control)
E - prints a number
I - Select boot drive/set parameters
K,O - display version header
N - newline
Z - print 'EFFF'


Motorola Evaluation Kit 6800 D2 - MEK6800D2

Enter the 4 digit address then the command key:

- M : Examine and Change Memory (example: E000M, then G to skip to next, ESC to exit)
- E : Escape (abort) operation (ESC key in our emulation)
- R : Examine Registers
- G : Begin execution at specified address
- P : Punch data from memory to magnetic tape
- L : Load memory from magnetic tape
- N : Trace one instruction
- V : Set (and remove) breakpoints

The keys are laid out as:


7 8 9 A M
4 5 6 B E
1 2 3 C R
0 F E D G

0-F : as is
NEXT : ^
MEM : =
GO : ^

Test Paste:
Now press up-arrow to confirm the data has been entered.

If you wish to follow the tutorial in the manual, here is the test
program that you need to enter in step 1:

Save the above program to tape:
HA002=00^20^00^32^HP (A002 has start address, A004 has end address, big endian)


MITS Altair 680b

Monitor Commands:
L switch to terminal mode
N modify memory in a limited way
P this does a rti and causes a momentary crash. Weird.



Multitech Microkit09

0-F : as is
(inc) : ^
(dec) : V
M (memory) : -
G (Go) : X

Test Paste:
-0000 00^11^22^33^44^55^66^77^88^99^--0000
Now press up-arrow to confirm the data has been entered.


MMD-1 & MMD-2


It appears that you enter an 3 digit octal number and then hit a function key.
H - puts the number in the H register
L - puts the number in the L register
S - puts the number into memory pointed to by HL and then increments HL.
G - Loads the program counter with the contents of HL

1) There is a 'working byte' which you can enter using the octal digits
(just press them in order), and which is displayed on the port 2 LEDs
when KEX is running.

2) 'R' is a hardware reset

3) 'H' and 'L' are used to load the address (high and low parts, and it
really is the HL register of the 8080). So to enter a particular address,
you type in the high half (in octal), press H. Then type in the low half
and press L. The address is displayed on the port 0 and port 1 LEDs when
KEX is running.

4) 'S' is 'Step' or 'Store'. It stores the working byte at the current
address (in HL), and then increments the address. It's used to enter
bytes into memory

5) 'G' is 'go'. It loads the 8080 PC with the address in HL, and thus
executes a program at that address.

OK, this is what I would try.

1) Press 'R' to reset the 8080 and start KEX running.

2) Type 004 H 000 L to load the start address of your program. The bytes
should appear on the rightmost 8 LEDs as you enter them and should then
also appear on the left and middle sets of LEDs when you press H and L.

3) Enter the program

076 S 123 S 323 S 000 S 166S

As you type each byte it should appear on the rightmost LEDs. When you
press S, the address on the rest of the LEDs should increment by 1.

4) Re-enter the start address
004 H 000 L

5) Press G to run the program. The left most LEDs should change to
.*.*..** (. = off, * = on), I think. The keys will then do nothing (as
the CPU is halted) until you press R again to re-run KEX.

When is keyboard LINE3 scanned? it isn't - it's a reset button.

Memory map:

* 4K RAM addresses $0000..$0FFF
* ROM addresses $D800..$E7FF
* 256 bytes of RAM, ($FC00..$FCFF?)

DIP switches:

* WE 0 - Write enable for addresses $0000..$03FF
* WE 1 - Write enable for addresses $0400..$07FF
* WE 2 - Write enable for addresses $0800..$0BFF
* WE 3 - Write enable for addresses $0C00..$0FFF
* SPARE - ???
* HEX OCT - choose display and entry to be in Hexadecimal or Octal
* PUP RESET - ???
* EXEC USER - update binary LED's with data entry? Or not?
(in either setting, outputs to ports 0,1,2 still show)


* Enter bytes on the keypad of hex digits
* Set MSByte of address by entering it on the keypad & pressing "HIGH".
* ... LSByte ... "LOW"
* Change contents of memory at the selected address by entering the new value & pressing "STORE".
* Look at adjacent memory locations with "NEXT" and "PREV".
* Execute the program at the selected address by pressing "GO".

AUX functions:

* BRL HI # - OFF disables BRL LO
* BRL LO #
* STEP #
* SRC HI # - source for COPY/DUMP - OFF disables "DUMP" function
* DES HI # - destination for COPY/DUMP
* LEN HI # - length for COPY/DUMP
* CLR TST ON - test if PROM is empty
* POP PRM ON - program a PROM
* DUP TST ON - test if PROM duplicated okay
* PROM 2708/2716
* BAUD 110/150/300/600/1200

The memory map can be rearranged by the system by using IN5, IN6, IN7.
A pair of undumped proms control what goes where on each map.
Each set of ROMs also has its own pair of PROMs.

I/O ports:
IN0: user expansion
IN1: 0-TTYIN, 1-CASSIN, 3-SW8(binary/ports), 4-SW7(reset/pup), 5-SW6(hex/oct), 6-(pup signal)
IN3: 8279 status
IN4: 8279 key
IN5: set MAP1
IN6: set MAP2
IN7: set MAP3
IN8: read eprom (in the eprom programmer)
OUT3: 8279 control
OUT4: 8279 7-segment LED data
OUT9: turn pup signal off
OUTA: programming pulse on/off (eprom programmer)


Microsystems International Limited MOD-8

All commands consist of 3 uppercase letters. If further info is required
then a * prompt is printed on a new line, where you will enter the data.
All numbers are OCTAL (3/6 digits with leading zeros). Since a teletypewriter
is being used, there is no cursor. Do NOT press Enter except after these
commands, otherwise things get confusing.

LOC - set current location pointer (the CLP)
DLP - display CLP
DPS - dump symbolic
LDO - load octal
DPO - dump octal
LBF - load BNPF format
DBF - dump BNPF format
EDT - enter Edit Mode
XQT - initiate program execution
CPY - copy routine
TRN - translate routine
SBP - set breakpoint
CBP - clear breakpoint
PRG - program PROM

Pressing Ctrl-A will escape back to the monitor. You will see 8 dashes.

Commands in the Edit Mode:
When you enter the Edit Mode it displays the CLP followed by a slash.

nnn - enter a new value into this memory location and increment the CLP
` (tic) - decrement CLP
@ - same as XQT
R - return to monitor
*nnnnnn - change CLP to this value
space - display current contents of memory

While in 'space' mode, press a letter to increment CLP, or shift-delete
(underscore character) followed by a new byte for this location.


MYCOMZ-80A (c) 1981 Japan Electronics College

- All commands must be in uppercase - lowercase will produce errors.
- There are 5 special keys which do crude editing functions. These are in
the range 0x61 to 0x75. Kana characters occupy the range 0xa0 to 0xff.
Graphics characters are found in 0x00 to 0x1f, and 0x80 to 0x9f.
- Editing characters (hold down shift to get them):
a - shiftlock (toggle). You can then enter any lowercase character.
c - clear screen and home cursor
d - insert
f - vertical tab (cursor up) You can scroll backwards with this,
and you can reuse old input lines.
u - cursor right
- There are switches on the right-hand side which are connected directly
to one of the PIAs. The switches (not emulated):
s2 - ?unknown
s3 - ?unknown but must be high for the keyboard to function
s4 - cassette motor on/off
s5 - ?unknown
- There is also switch s1 which it is not known what it connects to.
- Please note: The Takeda 80-column monitor expects the enter key to be the
line feed key. This is the numpad-enter in our emulation. Strangely, the
standard monitor, and Basic, will also respond to this key.
- The keyboard has a "English" key on the left, and a "Japan" key on the
right. Pressing the appropriate key toggles the input language mode.
Internally, this turns the Kana bit off/on. On our keyboard, the ALT key
toggles between English and Kana.


Entire thread
Subject Posted by Posted on
* MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat Robbbert 04/03/16 12:56 PM
. * MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat pt 5 Robbbert  04/03/16 01:56 PM
. * MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat pt 4 Robbbert  04/03/16 01:47 PM
. * MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat pt 3 Robbbert  04/03/16 01:39 PM
. * MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat pt 2 Robbbert  04/03/16 01:24 PM
. * MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat pt 1 Robbbert  04/03/16 01:13 PM
. * Re: MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat AntoPISAModerator  04/03/16 01:11 PM
. * Re: MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat Robbbert  04/03/16 02:04 PM
. * Re: MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat AntoPISAModerator  04/03/16 09:35 PM
. * Re: MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat Robbbert  04/03/16 11:34 PM
. * Re: MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat Robbbert  07/17/16 01:02 PM
. * Re: MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat AntoPISAModerator  07/18/16 06:29 PM
. * Re: MESS-based things for Gameinit.dat AntoPISAModerator  04/03/16 02:22 PM

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