Search results for query: Elapido (1 - 25 of 38)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Introducing "Shadow Gangs", 80's arcade inspired ninja game

It looks good. It must be pretty hard to draw high res bitmaps. Congratulations for your work. I'll try the demo tonight at home. One thing I would im ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/22/16 05:08 PM
. CPU for demanding SH3 games

What CPU is enough for Pink Sweets and Muchi Muchi Pork at full speed? I5 would be ok?
EmuChat Elapido 07/23/13 10:44 AM
. galdrvr.c old res

Any idea how to modify the 149 source so as to have galdrvr.c games in their old resolution?
EmuChat Elapido 07/07/13 09:58 PM
. Coindrop effect

Is the coindrop effect ever going to be added to MAME as a native feature? I suppose you know what I mean: the sound of a coin, followed by a delay un ...
EmuChat Elapido 07/07/13 02:21 PM
. Re: Games with emulated long loading times

I know. For CPS3 I use the NO-CD sets. I think I'll keep the nvrams, since I don't like using savestates.
EmuChat Elapido 07/07/13 02:09 PM
. Games with emulated long loading times

I'd like to know what games or drivers have long loading times, such as taitogn (Ray Crisis, Psyvariar, Chaos Heat, XIIStag...) or seibuspi (Raiden Fi ...
EmuChat Elapido 07/07/13 10:33 AM
. Games incorrectly rotated in native res

The following horizontal games appear incorrectly rotated when displayed in low res: buckrog, cavenger, fantsia2, karatblz, pspikes, solarfox, spinlb ...
EmuChat Elapido 07/06/13 10:11 PM
. Re: Question / suggestion: screen alignment

Thanx a lot. That's a quick and easy solution. It's a shame, however, that we have to create thousands of .cfg files for something that could be contr ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/24/13 06:46 PM
. Is braveff a bios file?

I've dowloaded a bios pack from a well-known webpage and EmuLoader finds a romset, identified as Brave Fighters (not-working) and not as a ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/24/13 06:12 PM
. Re: Question / suggestion: screen alignment

It seems the forum is hiding the code. Now, hide this if you can! hohoho The solution you propose is not acceptable. I would have to do it for ever ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/24/13 02:24 PM
. Re: Question / suggestion: screen alignment

Thanx. I've been able to do the setup for one game, by setting keep aspect 0 in mame.ini and then in the slider menus: hor. stretch 0.750 and hor. pos ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/24/13 07:44 AM
. Question / suggestion: screen alignment

I don't know if this is possible. If it's not, then please consider it a suggestion. I've been looking at mame.ini and the video options in the in-gam ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/23/13 10:49 PM
. Re: I found away to fix the hlsl scanlines issue.

Can you describe the problem? The only issue that I've noticed with hlsl is that the pattern of the aperture grill is not as homogeneous as I wish, no ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/17/13 02:23 PM
. Re: hlsl path and ini

As I said, it's working for me that way. Actually, it's working for me even with the hlsl folder in a different location. However, for some unknown re ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/16/13 09:01 PM
. Re: hlsl path and ini

After some tests I've got it working, placing the hlsl folder in d:\mamefiles and indicating: hlslpath e:\emuladores\mamefiles\hlsl ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/16/13 05:31 PM
. hlsl path and ini

The only way I've found to have hlsl working is with the hlsl settings code in mame.ini and the hlsl folder in the mame folder. I'd like to have the h ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/16/13 05:09 PM
. Re: Official HLSL thread

The problem I've found with all hlsl settings is that the aperture pattern is not perfect. I don't know why. You can see this issue, for instance, ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/16/13 10:37 AM
. Re: How can I get a list of these games?

Thanx. Emuloader was the solution. I had a few games belonging to some of these categories: casino: luckboom (I don't know why it's considered casino ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/11/13 10:33 PM
. Re: How can I get a list of these games?

I have a selection of roms, but as regard snaps, for instance, I have the full set, which includes all the rubbish, with thousands of files that I don ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/10/13 10:08 PM
. How can I get a list of these games?

I'd like to clean some of my MAME folders such as ini, snap, etc. and also check out that I do not have any game which fits any of these categories: c ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/10/13 03:45 PM
. MAME binary optimization for my computer

Hi. I'd like to ask: for a Intel Core2Duo running Windows XP, what kind of optimization do you recommend when compiling. Now I'm just running 'make'. ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/07/13 09:44 PM
. MAME games duration

Is there any information about aproximate games duration, since you insert coin to the moment you see the final game over or end message or credits?
EmuChat Elapido 06/04/13 09:45 AM
. Re: Some doubts (nothing really important) about mame.ini and two setups

I have no idea. I've been testing and I don't notice any input lag nor any difference between using vsync or tripple buffer.
EmuChat Elapido 06/04/13 12:34 AM
. Re: How do I disable the rgb effect on vector games with artwork?

No, I mean the pattern of the rgb effect on the graphics. It looks great on games, as you can see in this Metal Slug screen capture, but in Space Inva ...
EmuChat Elapido 06/02/13 07:22 PM
. Re: Roms audited but some are not loading :O

OK, no problem. I've already fixed everything. I had no idea about this devices stuff. Thanx a lot again!
EmuChat Elapido 06/02/13 02:38 PM

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