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Reged: 03/27/07
Posts: 214
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Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different
03/20/11 03:42 PM

> You missed my post below, saying I have a 27" arcade multisync, and a 27" CGA arcade
> monitor, and both look the same with MAME running Popeye, natively, as it looks on a
> PC monitor.

At the expense on being rated ultra-picky: They don't look the same, they are most likely close.

> Again, everyone knew the girders on DK were supposed to be purple. Everyone saw it
> wasn't so in MAME. Finally, that was corrected - by you.

Yes, I know. And I remember the discussions where people claimed it was wrong and in reality it would be more twoards "red". The issue is, that the girder colour depends on the blue level. The earlier radarscope schematics show a different amplifier stage than later dkong schematics for the blue channel. Lately I have seen pcb pictures of a conversion which had the same amplifier stage as dkong. Gives three possibilities:

a) radarscope blue level 1
b) radarscope blue level 2
c) dkong blue level 2

So those who insisted and put their hand into the fire that the girders where red may be right as well. Most likely there are two "truths" to the story.

Back to popeye: The hints you gave may be valid. The schematics show pullup resistors to +5V which are not accounted for in the current mame code. When I find time, I will correct it. You may as well open a bug on mametesters and assign it to me.


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* early 80s Nintendo games colors mogli 02/18/11 04:15 AM
. * Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different mogli  03/19/11 02:42 AM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different couriersud  03/19/11 03:10 PM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different Heihachi_73  03/20/11 10:23 AM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different mogli  03/20/11 01:41 AM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different couriersud  03/20/11 03:42 PM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different mogli  03/21/11 02:28 AM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different jumpmaniac81  03/20/11 03:15 AM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different TafoidAdministrator  03/19/11 04:57 AM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different mogli  03/19/11 05:08 AM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different italieAdministrator  03/19/11 06:27 AM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different mogli  03/19/11 06:45 AM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different italieAdministrator  03/19/11 02:34 PM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different mogli  03/20/11 01:33 AM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different TafoidAdministrator  03/19/11 05:23 AM
. * Re: Here's a good example of how the colors in Popeye are different mogli  03/19/11 05:57 AM

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